
Erasmus + Project KA229

Erasmus+ Project KA229 – School Exchange Partnerships Logo Erasmus +

Circular economy: rethinking the world from school (rws)

Project code:  2020-1-IT02-KA229-079447_1

Our adventure on YouTube channel

The project wants to teach students about environmental problems caused by the traditional Linear Economy. Students should become familiar with the concept of Circular Economy based on the use of renewable resources with the final aim of sharing their knowledge. The project will include theory and practical sessions in the form of traditional lessons, workshops and visits.

Students will acquire the relevant knowledge through lab activities concerning recycling materials, by playing a board game and by visiting local companies, Research Centres or Universities that are already working within a Circular Economy or towards implementing it.

To start with, students will carry out some surveys among the different age-groups in their own country to assess any previous knowledge on the issue and to inform their choice about the nature and the content of the final dissemination tools.


IES Lázaro Cárdenas, Collado Villalba, Madrid, Spain IES LAZARO

 IIS Ettore Majorana, San Lazzaro di Savena, Bologna, Italy       

Ultima revisione il 17-09-2024