3rd Mobility 17-23 October 2022 Erasmus - Circular Economy: Development of New Materials
3rd Mobility
Circular Economy: Development of New Materials

17-23 October 2022
Collado Villalba, Madrid, Spain
IES Lázaro Cárdenas, Collado Villalba, Madrid, Spain 

Arrival at Barajas airport, Madrid

Day 1
Visit to “Cristina Masaveu” Foundation

“Urban Art”: creating works of art using some recycled materials

Visit to Caixa Forum: an ex power station plant houses Art.

Visit to Caixa Forum: The vertical garden, a breathing wall

Day 2
Visit to the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid

Visit to the Museum

EU Critical Raw Materials: what they are and their main uses.

Lab activity: production of biodiesel from waste oils.

Day 3
At the IES Lázaro Cárdenas, Collado Villalba

Using organic waste to fertilise the soil of the school vegetable garden.

The school library

Reading the first lines from “Don Quijote.”

Game: EcoCEO

Lab activity: extraction of raw materials from polluted water

Day 4
Preparing a flyer for children

Getting ready for the Conference

Playing music using recycled materials


Visit to El Escorial

Day 5
Visit to Segovia

The Roman Aqueduct

The Cathedral

The Alcázar

23rd October: Departure

Ultima revisione il 17-09-2024